San Juan Dela Cruz Parish Savings and Credit Cooperative


San Juan Dela Cruz Parish Savings and Credit Cooperative

The socio-economic condition of the community inspired Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Albert J. Santiago to organize San Juan Dela Cruz Parish Savings and Credit Cooperative (the Cooperative) in June 1995. He believed that it will be an effective instrument in improving and uplifting the standard of living of the parishioners of barangays Ugong and Mapulang Lupa. With 38 founding members and a seed capital of P41,200.00 only, the Cooperative’s start-up office was located in a garage of an apartment near San Juan Dela Cruz Parish. It operated there for two (2) years before eventually transferring to an office space at the basement of said Parish. In the beginning, all operational tasks such as membership mobilization, formulation of lending policies and promotion of its products and services were performed with the help of a single staff or the Cashier. Later on, a bookkeeper was added in its roster and both of them conduct Pre-Membership Education Seminar (PMES), accept and process membership and loan applications, do credit investigations, release checks, collect payments and perform other accounting and administrative tasks. Initial products offered then, were only Character and Collateral loans.